Origin by Ocean
The foundation of all life
is in the ocean

Originally launched as a free, multidisciplinary program by Finnish algae innovation startup Origin by Ocean, this initiative is evolving into a collaborative community of individuals, organizations, and companies dedicated to shaping the future of our oceans.
The Academy’s mission is to elevate awareness about the state of our oceans and showcase projects, companies, and people working to protect and restore marine environments.
"We don’t know enough about the ocean to say how many species have been lost. But we do know that we’re good at eliminating whole ecosystems."
— Sylvia Earle, marine biologist, oceanographer, explorer, author and lecturer

Fostering a community of ocean savers
Aligning with Origin by Ocean's mission, the Academy aims not just to educate but to activate.
The Academy encourages a broad spectrum of people, who hold the oceans dear to their hearts to turn the challenges of eutrophication into sustainable opportunities.
"With the encouraging experience we have gained through our Academy programs, we are now looking for new ways to fostering a community of #oceansavers."
— Mari Granström, CEO of Origin by Ocean